SOAHA Sponsors

SOAHA Sponsorship Oppertunities


League Team Sponsor

3 on 3 Tournament Team Sponsor

Website Sponsor

SOAHA partners with local businesses in Southern Oregon to help gain exposure to new audiences, as well as promoting local businesses in the hockey community. We are a 501.3 C7 Non profit organization, which means all donations are tax deductible. Money is used to support Youth Hockey programs and helps us open hockey opportunities to as many people as we can. We start looking for sponsors in the Spring so we have as much time to work on designing jerseys, and scheduling sponsor events. If you have an idea of how you would like to partner with SOAHA in any way, please reach out to us at!

Leauge Team Sponsor

  • $700 per Season
  • 2 Sponsor Events at or with your business
  • Custom Designed Jersey featuring your business
  • Featured on SOAHA Banner at The RRRink for the year

Website Sponsor

  • $500 per year
  • Featured on website banner for 1 year

3 on 3 Tournament Team Sponsor

  • $350 per Team
  • $80 of gift cards purchased to distribute to your team
  • Custom Designed Jersey and stickers featuring your business



Current League Team Sponsors